Partner Program - Terms and Conditions

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ReWardy Partner Program - Terms and Conditions

Review Date: 11/2023

These terms and conditions ("Agreement") are entered into between ReWardy Points LTD and the Partner, collectively referred to as the "Parties." By participating in the ReWardy Partner Program, the Partner agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined herein.

1. Partnership Agreement:

1.1 The Partner agrees to actively participate in the ReWardy Loyalty & Reward scheme.

2. Monthly Subscription:

2.1 The Partner agrees to pay a monthly subscription fee of £25.00, inclusive of a QR Scanning device, for the use of ReWardy services.

2.2 Payment shall be made within 15 days of the invoice date. Failure to pay within this period may result in the suspension of services.

3. QR Code System:

3.1 The Partner acknowledges the use of ReWardy's Digital QR Code system for loyalty and rewards.

3.2 The QR Scanning device provided is the property of ReWardy and shall be returned promptly upon termination of the partnership.

4. App Usage:

4.1 The Partner agrees to use the ReWardy mobile application for loyalty program management.

4.2 Any unauthorized use or distribution of the ReWardy app is strictly prohibited.

5. Termination:

5.1 ReWardy reserves the right to terminate this agreement and the Partner's access to ReWardy services at any time, with or without cause.

5.2 In case of termination, the Partner shall cease using ReWardy services and return any equipment or materials provided by ReWardy.

6. Customer Accounts:

6.1 ReWardy holds the right to terminate any customer accounts associated with the Partner for violation of the terms and conditions.

6.2 The Partner shall promptly inform ReWardy of any issues or concerns related to customer accounts.

7. Confidentiality:

7.1 The Partner agrees to keep confidential any proprietary information, including but not limited to business strategies and customer data, obtained during the partnership.

8. Indemnification:

8.1 The Partner agrees to indemnify and hold ReWardy harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the Partner's use of ReWardy services.

9. Amendments:

9.1 ReWardy reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. The Partner will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the services constitutes acceptance of the modified terms.

10. Governing Law:

10.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the Partner acknowledges understanding and acceptance of the obligations and responsibilities outlined herein.

Aggreement deemed signed on purchase of a subscription

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